2025 SDC Program Leadership Application

Thank you for your interest in Program Leadership with the Student Diplomacy Corps.

Our mission is to provide opportunities and scholarships for high school students from across the nation and around the world on dynamic study-away summer programs that promote civic engagement, deepen understanding of local and global issues, build college readiness and unleash the potential of youth.

In pursuit of this mission we offer 2 types of programs:

  • Student Diplomacy Corps International: 3-5 week immersion programs abroad focused on experiential learning and building confidence and college readiness (in some cases SDC international programs include possibility to earn college credit).
  • Student Diplomacy Experimental College (SDXCO): 4 week US college campus-based, credit-bearing programs designed to introduced high school students to college life and the liberal arts

Working as a Program Leader offers you an opportunity to share your passion for languages and cultures and/or your approach to college success and passion for liberal arts topics with a group of talented high school students from underserved communities. Passionate, engaged and hard working Program Leaders can help create student experiences that are not just positive, but transformational.

Program Leader on SDC International Programs

Preferred qualifications include:

  • Study, travel or professional experience in a country in the Student Diplomacy Corps program portfolio or culturally related country
  • Experience working with high school students in a leadership capacity
  • College degree or equivalent experience in youth leadership
  • Proficiency in the language of a country in the Student Diplomacy Corps portfolio
  • Participation in a mandatory SDC Leadership Training before program departure

Responsibilities – Program Leader on SDC International Programs
• Focus on the safety and well-being of your student group
• Work collaboratively with the Student Diplomacy Corps office & international partner organizations abroad
• Manage program logistics, budget and curriculum
• Empower, inspire, and encourage your students to get the most out of the program experience
Student Life Advisor for Student Diplomacy Experimental College (SDXCO).

Preferred qualifications include:

• Minimum of 3 years of undergraduate studies completed
• Excellent academic standing in undergraduate institution
• High level of involvement in your own campus community and culture.  Examples include: campus clubs, college success efforts for first generation students, tutoring, volunteering, working as a residential advisor, teaching assistant etc.
• Participation in a mandatory SDC Leadership Training before program departure

Responsibilities – Student Life Advisor for Student Diplomacy Experimental College (SDXCO):
Provide academic support for one Professor’s course. Responsibilities may include in-class participation and supporting students with assignments/time management outside of class.
• Mentor students to help ensure their success in class and the SDXCO campus community
• Provide support as a Residential Advisor assisting students while living in the dorm
• Assist students in utilizing campus resources such as writing centers, elective courses, clubs and sports
• Facilitate on and off campus activities


Application Instructions:

SDC applications are considered on a rolling basis.


Application Deadlines and Other Information:
• All applications will be automatically considered for all open positions for which minimum requirements are met, including domestic campus-based programs (SDXCO) and SDC International Programs. Please review position requirements above and focus your application on SDC International, SDXCO, or both programs depending on your qualifications and interests.
• The SDC Program Leadership Application opens in December of each year for positions taking place in July.
• SDC Program Leadership interviews take place on a rolling basis beginning March 1st – Apply early for the best chance of finding a position to fit your skill set!
• Applications are accepted through May 1st – please email us at corpsleadership@sdcorps.org after that time to inquire about any remaining openings.